Reactive dyes

Reactive dye is a class of dye that makes a covalent bond with the fiber and becomes an integral part of the fiber. These are usually used to dye mainly cellulosic fibers such as cotton, rayon, or flax, but polyamide, wool, silk, and acetate fibers can also be dyed using reactive dyes.
Reactive dyes are so-called because this is the only type of dye that has a reactive group. This group reacts chemically with the fiber polymer molecules to form covalent bonds. This covalent bond is formed between the reactive group and terminal –OH group of cellulosic fibers and terminal –NH2 group of polyamides and wool.

A. Conventional Reactive dyes: These are known structures and the properties are characterized by the Chemical Index name (C.I name). They have been used extensively for the general purpose.

DCT dyes (Cold Brand): Reactive dyes applied to cellulose at room temperature (30'c) either by exhaust dyeing or cold pad batch (cold brand)

Reactive Yellow M8G Reactive Yellow 86
Reactive Yellow M4G Reactive Yellow 22
Reactive Yellow MGR Reactive Yellow 7
Reactive Yellow M4R Reactive Orange 14
Reactive Golden Yellow MR Reactive Yellow 44
Reactive Orange M2R Reactive Orange 4
Reactive Red M5B Reactive Red 2
Reactive Red M8B Reactive Red 11
Reactive Magenta MB Reactive Violet 13
Reactive Violet M4R Reactive Violet 12
Reactive Turquoise Blue MG Reactive Blue 140
Reactive Blue MR Reactive Blue 4
Reactive Navy Blue M2R Reactive Blue 109
Reactive Navy Blue M3R Reactive Blue 9
Reactive Blue M4GD Reactive Blue 168

MCT dyes (Printing Dyes): Reactive dyes applied to cellulose by print steam/ Print bake process.

Reactive Yellow P-4G Reactive Yellow 18
Reactive Golden Yellow P3R Reactive Orange 12
Reactive Brilliant Orange P2R Reactive Orange 13
Reactive Red PB Reactive Red 24
Reactive Red P8B Reactive Red 31
Reactive Brilliant Magenta HB Reactive Violet 46
Reactive Purple P3R Reactive Violet 1
Reactive Turquoise Blue P5G Reactive Blue 25
Reactive Turquoise PGR 150 Reactive Blue 72
Reactive Brilliant Blue P3R Reactive Blue 49
Reactive Brilliant Blue P5R Reactive Blue 13
Reactive Red Brown P4R Reactive Brown 9
Reactive Black PN Reactive Black 8
Reactive Navy P2R Reactive Black 39
Reactive Red H4B Reactive Red 245
Reactive Black PGR Mixture
Reactive Yellow P6G Reactive Yellow 95
Reactive Red P6B Reactive Red 218

Homo bifunctional dyes (HE Type): High exhaust dyes (HE Brand) applied to cellulose at 80’c . (HE dyes)> They are bifunctional reactive dyes with two Mono chlorotriazine groups. They have particularly good fastness properties suitable for exhaust dyeing.

Reactive Yellow HE6G Reactive Yellow 135
Reactive Brilliant Yellow HE4G Reactive Yellow 81
Reactive Yellow HE4R Reactive Yellow 84
Reactive Golden Yellow HER Reactive Yellow 84 D
Reactive Orange HER Reactive Orange 84
Reactive Red HE3B Reactive Red 120
Reactive Red HE7B Reactive Red 141
Reactive Red HE8B Reactive Red 152
Reactive   Blue HERD Reactive Blue 160
Reactive Navy Blue HER Reactive Blue 171
Reactive Turquoise Blue HA Reactive Blue 71
Reactive Blue HEGN Reactive Blue 198
Reactive Green HE4BD Reactive Green 19

Hetero Bi functional dyes (ME Type) : Mild exhaust dyes applied to cellulose at 60’c (ME Dyes) These are bifunctional reactive dyes having two different reactive groups, vinyl sulfone and Mono chlorotriazine group. They are suitable especially for exhaust dyeing.

Reactive Yellow ME4GL Reactive Yellow 160a
Reactive Golden Yellow MERL Reactive Yellow 145
Reactive Orange ME2RL Reactive Orange 122
Reactive Scarlet 2GF Reactive Red 222
Reactive Red MEGF Reactive Red 223
Reactive Red ME3BL Reactive Red 194
Reactive Red ME4BL 150 Reactive Red 195
Reactive Red HRBL Reactive Red 198A
Reactive Red ME6BL Reactive Red 250
Reactive Brilliant Blue ME2RL Reactive Blue 248
Reactive Navy Blue ME2GL Reactive Blue 194
Reactive Navy Blue MEGF Reactive Blue 222
Reactive Brilliant Blue JRF Reactive Blue 221
Reactive Magenta MEB Not Indexed

Vinyl sulphone-based dyes (VS Type): Reactive dyes applied to cellulose by print, exhaust, cold pad batch method.

Reactive Yellow FG Reactive Yellow 42
Reactive Yellow GR Reactive Yellow 15
Reactive Yellow GL Reactive Yellow 37
Reactive Yellow H7GL Reactive Yellow 156
Reactive Golden Yellow RNL Reactive Orange 107
Reactive Golden Yellow R Reactive Yellow 201
Reactive Yellow RTN Reactive Yellow 24
Reactive Orange 3R Reactive Orange 16
Reactive Orange 2R Reactive Orange 16a
Reactive Red BB Reactive Red 21
Reactive Red RB Reactive Red 198
Reactive Red GD Reactive Red 111
Reactive Red 3B Reactive Red 23
Reactive Red 5B Reactive Red 35
Reactive Violet 5R Reactive Violet 5
Reactive Blue 3R Reactive Blue 28
Reactive Brilliant Blue R-SP Reactive Blue 19
Reactive Brilliant Blue RE Reactive Blue 19
Reactive Blue BB Reactive Blue 220
Reactive Red F3B Reactive Red 180
Reactive Turquoise Blue PG Reactive Blue 21
Reactive Green 6B Reactive Green 38
Reactive Brown GR Reactive Brown 18
Reactive Navy-Blue GG Reactive Blue 203
Reactive Black RL Reactive Black 31
Reactive Black B 150 Reactive Black 5
Reactive Navy Blue RGB Reactive Blue 250
Reactive Turquoise H2GP  

B. Specialty Reactive dyes: These are developed to meet the ecological concerns of the textile industries. They have superior tinctorial values and can be used with low ML ratio. They have excellent compatibility among each other and thereby help to achieve right first-time dyeing.

Modified Vinyl sulphone dyes (Reactive XL Dyes): Dyes for Right first time dyeing These dyes are recommended to be used for pale to medium shade dyeing, especially earth shades giving improved benefits in terms of reproducibility for both exhaust and continuous dyeing. They have excellent compatibility and can be used for both exhaust and continuous dyeing. They have minimum sensitivity to various dyeing parameters.

Reactive Yellow XL
Reactive Orange XL
Reactive Red XL
Reactive Deep Red XL
Reactive Navy XL
Reactive Blue XL

Poly functional Reactive dyes (Reactive HD Dyes): Dyes Dark shades These dyes are recommended to be used to produce cost effective dark shades while offering an ease of application in exhaust continuous, dyeing.

Reactive Yellow HD
Reactive Orange HD
Reactive Brilliant Red HD-ED
Reactive Red HD
Reactive Navy HD
Reactive Blue HD
Reactive Brilliant Blue HD-G
Reactive Navy HD-ED

Modified homo bifunctional dyes (Reactive HEXL Dyes): These dyes are recommended to be used when high post mercerization fastness is required especially yarn dyeing. They have excellent reproducibility and leveling properties. We have below three dyes to meet the trichrome requirement of the customers.

Reactive Yellow HE-XL
Reactive Navy HE-XL
Reactive Crimson HE-XL

Reactive RR dyes: These dyes have excellent compatibility, reproducibility, and good Level dyeing properties particularly in pale shades. They have good build up properties and easy to wash off.

Reactive Yellow RR
Reactive Orange RR
Reactive Red RR
Reactive Blue RR

Reactive EXSF Range: They have excellent reproducibility and compatibility among themselves and can be used for Pale to Medium deep shades with excellent fastness properties.

Reactive Yellow EX-SF
Reactive Red EX-SF
Reactive Navy EX-SF
Reactive Blue EX-SF

Reactive Blacks: In general, Black dyes are the widely and extensively consumed in any textile industry. All these dyes are mixtures and the shade and strength vary to great extent as per the customer's requirement by changing the proportions of the components. However, within this range due to change in the chemistry the properties may vary to wide extent. We have wide range of Reactive Black dyes to meet the requirement of any customers.

Reactive Black XL-CL
Reactive Black XL-MS
Reactive Super Black HR
Reactive Super Black HG
Reactive Black ECO
Reactive Black HD-DN